Team Size

There is a wide variety in team size.

Teams can be as small as a single developer or just a few for an Indie title all the way up to over a thousand for the biggest games. Here are some of the pros and cons:

Large team:


The game is almost certainly going to be released.

Generally good job security, pay and benefits.

Many people to learn from.


Work is split up so easy to get pigeonholed.

Hard to stand out.

Hard to make quick changes to the game. Feels bureaucratic.

Small team:


Everybody makes a difference to the game.

Talented & hardworking people move up fast.

Easier to experiment & make changes to the game.


Lower pay.

Worse job security. Game more likely to be cancelled.

Personally I prefer teams in the 10-50 range. I would rather be a big part of something small than a small part of something big.


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